Capital and Revenue
In this web primer we will also discuss:
One of the objects of accounting is to determine whether the
business has earned profit or it has suffered loss. For this purpose, profit and
loss account is prepared. Total expenditure incurred by the business is divided
in two categories: One portion is charged against revenue while the other is
shown in the balance sheet as asset. The former is known as revenue
expenditure and the latter as capital expenditure. While preparing the
final accounts, all revenue items are included in the revenue account
i.e., manufacturing, trading and profit and loss account and all capital items
in the balance sheet. Any error committed in distinguishing between 'Capital'
and 'Revenue' will affect the ascertainment of profit.
The use of goods and services in order to earn revenue is the
Hendriksen opines, "expenses are the using or consuming
of goods and services in the process of obtaining revenues".
American Accounting Association, Committee on concepts and
standards, defines as under:
"Expense is the expired cost, directly or indirectly related
to given fiscal period, of the flow of goods or services into the market and of
related operations."
(a) Expenditure incurred during the fiscal period and related
to same accounting period becomes an expense i.e. expired cost of that period.
(b) Expenditure incurred during the previous accounting
period but related to current accounting period becomes an expense i.e. expired
cost of the current accounting period e.g. prepaid expenses.
(c) Expenditure
related to the current accounting period but not paid becomes outstanding
Expenditure is usually of two types:
(0) Capital expenditure; and
(b) Revenue expenditure.
Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure consists of expenditure, the benefit of
which is not fully enjoyed in one accounting period but spread over several
accounting periods. It includes assets acquired for the purpose of earning
income or increasing the earning capacity of the business or effecting economy
in the operation of an asset. These are not meant for sale. Expenditure incurred
for improving assets and extending an existing asset is also capital
The sum of invoice price, freight and insurance charges,
installation and erection cost and custom duty etc. will be capitalized in the
books of a firm. These capital items appear on the assets side of Balance
(0) Interest on capital paid during the period of
construction of Company (u/s 208 of Indian Companies Act)
(b) Expenditure in
connection with or incidental to the purchase or installation of an asset.
(c) Acquisition of new assets.
(d) Expenditure incurred for putting the old asset purchased,
into working condition.
(e) Additions and extensions to existing assets.
f) Interest and financing charges paid, brokerage and
commission paid.
(g) Betterment of fixed assets or improvement of an asset to
produce more, to improve its earning capacity or to reduce its operating
expenses or to increase the life of asset.
The cost of assets will be written off by way of
depreciation over a period of its life. The amount of depreciation is a revenue
expenditure and is debited to profit and loss account. The reason for charging
depreciation to revenue i.e. profit and loss account is that the asset is used
for earning revenue. Hence the depreciation is charged to profit and loss
account. Thus, the benefit of capital expenditure does not exhaust in one
year but extends over a number of years of its use or life of the asset.
Revenue Expenditure
Revenue expenditure consists of expenditure incurred in one
period of the accounting, the full benefit of which is enjoyed in that period
only. This does not increase the earning capacity of the business but it is
incurred in order to maintain the existing earning capacity of the business. It
includes all expenses which arise in normal course of business. The benefit of
such expenditure is for a short period, say, one year only and it is not to be
carried forward to the next year. The expenditure is of a recurring nature
i.e. incurred every year.
(a) Purchase of raw materials for conversion into finished
(b) Selling and distribution expenses incurred for sale of finished
goods e.g. sales office expenses, delivery expenses, advertisement charges,
(c) Establishment expenses like salaries, wages, rent, rates, taxes,
insurance, depreciation on office equipment.
(d) Depreciation of plant,
machinery and equipment.
(e) Expenses incurred in order to maintain the
existing fixed assets in an efficient and workable state such' as repairs to
building, repairs to plant, white-washing and painting of building.
All these items appear on the debit side of trading and
profit and loss account, in case of trading concerns or income and expenditure
account, in case of non-trading concerns.
Deferred Revenue Expenditure (DRE)
Deferred Revenue Expenditure is a revenue expenditure which
has been incurred during one accounting year which is applicable either wholly
or in part to further accounting years. According to Prof. A.W. Johnson,
"Deferred Revenue Expenditure includes those non-recurring expenses, which are
expected to be of financial nature, distributed to several accounting periods of
indeterminate total length. These are of revenue nature but are deferred or
postponed. It is of quasi- capital nature."
In simpler words, we can say that Deferred Revenue
Expenses are those expenses, the benefit of which may be extended to a number of
years, say, 3 to 5 years. These are to be charged to profit and loss account,
over a period of 3 to 5 years depending upon the benefit accrued.
Sometimes losses may be suffered of an exceptional nature
e.g. loss of an asset (uninsured) due to accident or fire; confiscation of
property in a foreign country etc. It is worth noting that the amount which has
not been debited to the profit and loss account of the current year is shown in
the balance sheet on the assets side and it is known as fictitious asset.
Development expenditure
In certain units like mines, plantations and housing colonies
initially heavy expenditure has to be incurred and it is only after
sometime, say three to five years, that the earnings will follow. Such heavy and
initial expenditure is known as 'development expenditure' and treated as capital
Purpose of Distinction
Profit and Loss Account is debited with revenue
expenditure and credited with revenue income (i.e. sales income and from other
sources). If the revenue income is higher than revenue expenditure, it will be a
profit and if it is less than revenue expenditure, it will be a loss. Capital
expenditure is shown on the assets side of Balance Sheet. Capital and
liabilities are shown on the liabilities side of Balance Sheet. The purpose of
distinction is to give "True and fair" view of the accounts and financial
position of the firm.